

March 2nd

Too busy with the move and client work in February but now it’s March!

What’s next? Still keep plugging away at emojinos?

Despite saying in January that I’d need to focus on a single project to get it done, I think I can work on emojinos and STEPS at the same time. Onward!

STEPS is a working title for a new project. The goal is to be a useful tool for learning things and for teaching things to others for money. It’s a mobile and web application where you can put together a series of steps for learning to do something. Those steps can contain individual activities. Both steps and activities can be forked/copied. The history of those forks is viewable as a big tree. People can send donations to any activity or step and the money is split between the teachers who made that step/activity.

March 9th

STEPS project goals:

Next step, lets get ta running again. lein figwheel gives us:

Success! Tries to connect to an old firebase and fails.

Fun fact, ta (teacher’s assistant) was one of my first clojurescript projects, about 4 years ago now. I started on it while I was still teaching. It was using devcards in the project that really made me fall in love with clojure.

Opening localhost:3449/cards.html gives us TypeError: ReactDOM is undefined in the console. Why does localhost:3449/index.html even work at all when I’m running the devcards build?

March 19th

Struggling to find time/energy to work on side-projects at the moment. Spreading myself too thin etc. Need to find some inspiration. I opened up gateworld and was drawn to my unfinished Wave Function Collapse stuff.

I’ve just spent some time fiddling with my WFC code and it was fun! A little low pressure refactoring and exploring. I’ve started writing a little glossary/explanation at the top of my devcards as I explore my old code:

Lots still to do but it already generates some fun stuff.

Trying to visualise as many intermediate steps as possible.

March 27th

Fiddled with emojinos. Started adding a second player.